Saron Lutheran Church
Want to join us in our mission to make disciples of Jesus in our congregation and community? Your generosity enables us to help others experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
(2 Corinthians 9:7-8 NIV)
Statement of Intent
God’s Generosity… prompts generous hearts in us!
To commit to give of your financial resources is to commit to grow in Jesus, to grow in becoming more like Jesus. We encourage you to prayerfully consider making a commitment for giving in 2024. Express your gratitude to God, your trust in God, and your desire to partner with God in bringing hope and compassion to the world. In the Narthex/Lobby you will find a paper tree. Near that is a basket. Use one of the Statement of Intent cards in the racks in the pews/seats and place it in the basket; OR use the QR Code or THIS LINK. You will not be billed! This is about you making a commitment. After you've done that, place a leaf on the tree by the basket! God bless you!
What Giving Does
Has an impact on the world
As we share the greatest treasure in the universe, the gift of Jesus Christ, we are compelled to share this news with others. This good news frees us from the burden of sin and opens us to new life, as we can only know through Him. In sharing this gift with others, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can help to transform people’s lives, communities, and the whole world.
Expresses your trust in God
When you give you are showing God that you believe He will provide for you just as well, or better, with what remains. It tells God that you believe Jesus is enough.
Enriches your life
As you find that the more you give, the greater you receive. When you trust God with your time and money, he will bless you in many ways: sometimes in your relationships, spirit, resources, or understanding. “...whoever plants generously will also harvest generously.” (2 Corinthians 9:6)
Expresses gratitude & worship
Giving is an act of worship. The act of giving acknowledges that every good gift comes from God. God is light, love, and creator of the universe. He is worthy of your heart, soul, mind and strength -- of your whole life!
Giving is a fundamental part of God’s nature. "For God so loved the world that He GAVE..." (John 3:16). When we give, we participate in what God is doing, come to know God better, and become more like Jesus.
Sharing your time and money helps us spread the good news about Jesus, feed the hungry in our community, minister to those who are grieving or suffering, care for the sick, befriend the lonely, and build one another up in knowledge of God.
Join us in our mission to make disciples of Jesus in our congregation and community. Your generosity enables us to help others experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Sunday Morning Tech Team
Saron's ministry to Saron members and impact on the community is increasing online. The word of God is going out even more than before.
Because of this, Sunday morning Tech Team members are needed!
The goal, to begin with, is 4 people every Sunday, at least 20 people total, on rotation. Run a camera! Push buttons! Adjust audio! Key grip! (Well, maybe not key grip. Yet.) Or be a part of creative support (images, video, design, editing etc.) that are a part of what's behind everything that goes online.
WHAT WE'RE AFTER: hope, peace, freedom in Jesus Christ COMMUNICATED; and community EXPERIENCED. Believe it or not, technology, when used wisely, can encourage relationships. That's what we want.
We need your gifts, skills, and interests!
Please contact for more information.
Other areas needed
Helping with church maintenance
Graphic design
Tech team
Reading during Sunday services
Sunday school teaching
Event planning, dreaming and brainstorming
Sound Technician
Yard work
​Strategic planning
Electrical + plumbing