Saron Lutheran Church
Coming soon!

Saron Lutheran Church has a rich past, dating back to 1892, and an exciting future. God was active in the people of Saron in 1892 and just as active now -- changing lives in an ever-changing culture and community. Jesus Christ is the hope of the world, for all people everywhere. As the people of Saron we seek to grow into that hope and work together in Christ's love to serve each other and people in the Big Lake area. We would be honored to work alongside you.

A Worshiping Family…
We worship in two different styles: traditional, with some traditional Lutheran hymns and worship practices; and “contemporary” — a more “pop” style, led by our Praise Band. Both styles include prayers, Bible readings and a message (sermon), woven with beautiful music. We also celebrate communion and baptisms together, on alternating weeks. And there are plenty of opportunities for all ages to be involved – as readers, communion assistants, musicians, and much more.

Growing in Faith
So many questions. It's a life-long journey, exploring all that we have in Jesus Christ. We are never done growing and encouraging each other in that growth. Together we provide a number of opportunities to do just that.

Within Community
We are designed to be in community, to be in relationship with God and with each other. Our lives are rich when we live that way. Community to us has two meanings: our faith community (the people of Saron bound together by God) and the surrounding community, our neighbors in the Big Lake area, that we are blessed to know, serve and partner with.